Author: Sanyat Misra, R L Misra
Production technology of 29 most commonly cultivated ornamental plants explained and related aspects of post harvest management of various commercial ventures
Each chapter gives a succinct accrued of significant scientific works carried out worldwide
Detailed Glossary of the important terms and index in provided at the end of the work This book caters to the needs of students, teachers, researchers, horticultural, training centre’s and department officers engaged in the field of horticulture and over all to the growers to generate more income
What Flowers are Traditional for What Occasion?
In full bloom
Bringing and gifting flowers has always been a part of different traditions and beliefs of almost all nations. Aside from its general purpose of adding color and vibrance to one’s garden or lawn, flowers are often either given to a loved one as a sign of courtship or presented as an award or prize for beauty contests and pageants. But it’s not all that.
As every country each have plenty of holidays, parties and celebrations all year round, flowers play a significant role in the beautification and decoration of certain events. Not only because of its different fragrances and pigments but also of its symbolism and meaning. Here, we list what flowers are traditional on different occasions.
Come and smell the flowers!
The most common and well-known of all, the rose is one that signifies love, especially the red ones. It symbolizes powerful and true love or affection. You can almost always tell when Valentine’s Day is just around the corner when red roses flood flower shops worldwide. There are at least over a hundred types of roses, but the more conventional ones aside from red are yellow and white. A yellow rose usually signifies friendship, while white roses symbolize innocence, purity, and integrity.
Next on the list is the sunflower, which is also known as the third-anniversary flower. It to show great devotion and pure love. Since it resembles the appearance of the sun, it is supposed to bring brightness and brilliance like that of sunlight.
Another famed option would be Calla lily. It comes in different colors, and each color represents a different meaning. Calla lilies, especially the white ones, are commonly used for weddings and is made into bridal bouquets due to its look of pureness and cleanness, just like that of a white rose. Another pigment of the calla lily flower is purple – as majestic as it looks, it is only right and just for those of royal blood such as queens or princesses, and it symbolize passion or charm.
For special occasions, a right choice would be carnations. Pink carnations are perfect for birthdays but more so for Mother’s Day as it signifies a mother’s unconditional love and beauty. Another refreshing variety of carnations are the green ones, which is seen mostly during St. Patrick’s Day.
As that popular tune goes, Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. And what better way to celebrate it by incorporating lovely flowers. Poinsettias are a staple symbol of Christmas for the longest time. The deep, vibrant red color of this flower brings a festive vibe to the holiday season, and it comes in other colors too – yellow, green, and even white.
Giving flowers to the sick is also an accepted tradition anywhere. It only means to say, “get well soon,” adorably and sincerely. Daisies are perfect for this since it helps to uplift spirits and bring cheerfulness, emotions that a sick person would want to have and feel.
One thing comes to mind when the country the Netherlands pops up – tulips! It is one of the most exquisite types of flowers in the world. Although quite expensive, it is still being preferred by many due to its unique and colorful charm. For the romantics, a tulip is a suitable gift choice as it represents the declaration of love, so it is perfect for occasions such as anniversary dates or honeymoon.
Lastly, and as sad as it may sound, the lily flower is the most well-known selection for funerals. Although there are lots of varieties of this flower, the white ones are still the best bet to commemorate the passing of a loved one, as many believe that it aids in the resurrection of the soul. One more popular type of lily is the Easter lily. It is usually seen during Catholic Easter, and it is said to have sprouted from Jesus Christ’s blood upon carrying the cross.
No matter what the occasion or celebration is, there will always be a unique flower made for it. Depending on what purpose it is going to serve, flowers will be appreciated and are sure to put smiles on faces anywhere and everywhere.
Looking For An Online Florist?

The team at Emporium Books recommend Roses Only as their online florist that operates across Australia. To learn more about them and their array of flowers you can order on line, visit their website here: https://www.rosesonly.com.au